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Ultimate Quadruple Chocolate Brownies

Ultimate Quadruple Chocolate Brownies

Even though brownies are the first cousin of cookies and cake, there’s something about the chocolate treat that makes them more cravable! Rich, chocolate flavor with chewy edges and soft centers is such a comforting combo. Quadruple Chocolate Ganache Brownies are amped up with a 

Dessert Bar: Wine Cheese & Chocolate

Dessert Bar: Wine Cheese & Chocolate

When people hear “wine, cheese, and chocolate” there’s a few automatic assumptions. Wine in a glass. Cheese and crackers. Brown chocolate. If we tweak this predictable format by changing up the expected textures and colors, we’ve got a fresh new take on an old classic! 

3 Ingredient White Chocolate Raspberry Truffles

3 Ingredient White Chocolate Raspberry Truffles

Simplicity creates some amazing things. These White Chocolate Raspberry Truffles may only have three ingredients, but they hit high numbers on the flavor scale! Truffles aren’t the difficult, expensive confection you might think they are! Prepare to ditch that store bought candy because for these 

Wine Gumdrops: An Adult Version of Gummies

Wine Gumdrops: An Adult Version of Gummies

Confession time: I am not a wine drinker. !GASP! Unbelievable, right? I’ve never loved the taste, and anyone that knows me knows I have a slight (ok, major) addiction to Dr. Pepper, so I just don’t have time for wine. However, putting wine into a 

Chicago Style Snack Mix: An Addictive Party Treat

Chicago Style Snack Mix: An Addictive Party Treat

Did you ever make a recipe that everyone loved and immediately labeled “addictive?” It’s the one dish everyone is crowded around during the party. Your friends assume its something only you can make, so it’s requested for every event. For me, it’s this Chicago Style 

Dessert Bar: Sweet & Salty Bacon Buffet

Dessert Bar: Sweet & Salty Bacon Buffet

As far as ingredients go, bacon is universally loved. I recognize that there are a few that can’t have or don’t care for bacon, but in a recent poll in my Facebook foodie group, bacon lovers were in abundance! It might surprise some to see 

Browned Butter(scotch) Bacon Bars

Browned Butter(scotch) Bacon Bars

Browned. Butter. Butterscotch. Bacon. Have I got your attention now? With a few of the best B words in the English vocabulary, I know it didn’t take long! Probably about as long as it took my family to wolf down a batch (or three) of 

Boozy Bourbon Maple Bacon Jam

Boozy Bourbon Maple Bacon Jam

My forte is desserts, but I can hold my own in the savory side of the kitchen, too! When I plan a get together, appetizers are my favorite thing to make. Finger foods are more fun and they make less mess, which is my husband’s 

Bacon Studded Chocolate Chip Cookies

Bacon Studded Chocolate Chip Cookies

It’s hard to imagine bettering the beloved chocolate chip cookie. There’s a zillion recipes, each claiming to be better than the rest. Chocolate chunk, double chocolate, chewy chip, honestly there’s not a bad one in the bunch! But, when you combine all the best parts 

Caramel Bacon Dip: Infusing Sugar Syrup with Salty Meat

Caramel Bacon Dip: Infusing Sugar Syrup with Salty Meat

Sometimes accidents in the kitchen lead to the smoke alarms yelling at you, and sometimes it leads to something unexpected and delicious. Using bacon almost always leads to something tasty, and my latest kitchen mishap proved that theory to be true! Bacon Infused Caramel Dip